What happened to Tokens.Supply?
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What happened to Tokens.Supply?

Hey Customer,

Unfortunately the Discord market has been declining for a while, and about a month ago I decided my efforts were better put somewhere else. There's other markets that could earn me more money with less effort, and academic work (college applications and school studies) have reduced the amount of free time that I've got.

Sadly, that means Tokens Supply is coming to an end.

It may be temporary, I might come back at some point in the future, but for now, that's it. Thank you to everyone who's supported Tokens Supply so far, I'm sincerely grateful for everything ❤️.

(I still have a few tokens, which is still listed, and if you need to contact me you can through telegram, @TaintedDev, I'll try to respond as soon as I can)

~ Tainted, 13/10/2023

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